

Summer is approaching and so is the desire to go on holiday. In the subject of English in the 5th year of Primary Education throughout these weeks we have been dealing with this topic in our project. In cooperative groups, the students have chosen their ideal holiday destination for different reasons: culture, food, emblematic places, wildlife, etc. In class we simulated our imaginary travel agency and each group presented their visual travel brochure created in Canva. In addition to the written skills, the students had the opportunity to put their oral skills into practice, through the different oral presentations that we have carried out in the classroom as a final product. 


Uda badator eta oporretan joateko gogoa ere bai. Ingeleseko irakasgaian Lehen Hezkuntzako 5. mailan tematika hau landu dugu gure proiektuan aste hauetan zehar. Talde kooperatiboetan ikasleek hainbat arrazoirengatik haien helmuga turistiko bikaina aukeratu dute: kultura, janaria, leku enblematikoak, fauna, etab. Ikasgelan gure irudimenezko bidaia-agentzia simulatu dugu, eta talde bakoitzak Canvan sortutako ikusizko bidaia-liburuxka aurkeztu du. Idatzizko trebetasunaz gain, ikasleek beren ahozko trebetasuna praktikan jartzeko aukera izan dute, azken produktu gisa ikasgelan aurrera eraman ditugun ahozko aurkezpenen bidez.